A metrology lab can also provide calibration and repair services for a wide range of test and measurement equipment.

A metrology lab can also provide calibration and repair services for a wide range of test and measurement equipment; but also more broadly:

Research and Transfer
Publish the results of research, standards, new methods of measurements and testing, experience in standardization, etc. This approach directly benefits companies and the international metrology community through ever more accurate measurements.

Calibration and Testing, Analysis
Calibration services and multi-sizes trials and multi technology offer businesses the resources they need to ensure traceability of their measurements and regularly monitor the quality of their productions.

Technical assistance
Providing personalized responses to measures of problems: The standard and regulation, conducting audits and diagnostics, development of specifications, development banks, etc.

A metrology laboratory can also is an intermediate for the voluntary or regulatory certification of products, management systems and services to develop the market.